Is it safe to use Uber in Orlando? October 15, 2014October 17, 2014alloverorlando Sign up for a new Uber account then use the promo code na4u4 to get a free ride up to 30 dollars. Everyone [...]
Orlando number one in Pedestrian Deaths October 6, 2014October 6, 2014alloverorlando The recent hit and run death of a pedestrian on South Bumby is just another headline. People all over Orlando do not even [...]
Disney Autism Case puts parks on slippery slop September 30, 2014alloverorlando With all the dishonest People in the world trying to take advantage of the rules the People that often suffer are the ones [...]
Did the Orlando Magic Steal a Catch phrase from Dallas? September 29, 2014alloverorlando “Big things happen here” is being used by the Orlando Magic but Everyone knows that is the catch phrase of the City of [...]
What not to do on Your Disney Vacation September 28, 2014September 28, 2014alloverorlando Seems like every Orlando website tells You what to do on Your Orlando vacation, like where to go, what to see and how [...]
A little boy with a life-threatening illness is on his way to Disney World thanks to local nonprofits and American Airlines September 28, 2014September 28, 2014alloverorlando A Little Boy’s Story will melt Your heart. “We knew that this was going to be a week without having to worry about [...]
Epcot Food and Wine Festival, September 19 – November 10, 2014 September 19, 2014September 19, 2014alloverorlando This 53 day event at Epcot is very popular especially among the locals. It is the time that the locals like because the [...]
Uber is a driving force in Orlando September 14, 2014September 16, 2014alloverorlando Sign up for a new Uber account then use the promo code na4u4 to get a free ride up to 30 dollars. Uber [...]