Disney World hikes prices by 4 dollars on tickets for all four theme parks, Others will follow soon. Disney insiders said that the last ticket increase was unlike any other, it was to follow Universal Orlando. Universal Orlando jacked up their ticket prices less than a year ago and Disney had to follow, a situation they had not been in before. It seems that the first to increase prices is thought to be the big dog in the theme park circles. To the public, big dog is not the word that is being used today as the ticket prices are announced. Disney will charge 99 dollars for Magic Kingdom and 94 dollars for the other three, Hollywood Studios, Epcot and Animal Kingdom. If You went by public opinion, Epcot would be as pricey as Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom would be half the price of those and Hollywood Studios just stay at 2006 prices since nothing has happened over there since then. Of Course, Your tickets are not affected if You already purchased them, the increase goes in effect Sunday, February 23, 2014. Multiple day ticket prices remain the same.