Save on all Your Disney Ticket choices
Disney World Tickets might be the most complicated of all the theme parks all over Orlando, that is because they have the most parks. Not only do they offer four traditional theme parks, they also have 2 water parks and to add more complications, they also offer single days and up to 10 day tickets. Sounds more complicated than it is, You just need to ask Yourself, How many parks do I want to visit and how many days. You might also want to visit Universal Orlando and/or SeaWorld Orlando, so keep that in mind when planning Your trip. If You only want to go to one park then You purchase a base ticket, if You want to visit more than one park on the same day then get the park hopper.
Tip: People that bought the No Expiration option were glad they did and had a less stressed schedule knowing that they could use them another time if they couldn’t find the time to use them on this trip.